Whole Genome Sequencing


Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)

WGS approaches can be used to comprehensively explore all types of genomic alterations in cancer and help us to better understand the whole landscape of driver mutations and mutational signatures in cancer genomes and elucidate the functional or clinical implications of these unexplored genomic regions and mutational signatures. This approach combined with mathematical analysis and other omics analysis can clarify the underlying carcinogenesis and achieve molecular sub‐classification of cancer, which facilitates discovery of genomic biomarkers and personalised cancer medicine.

DNA is randomly fragmented by physical shearing, and 30‐50× sequence depth (90‐150 Gb) of each human whole genome is usually sequenced for both cancer and normal genomes, which can cover 99% of the entire human genome.

About 5 to 10 percent of all cancers are caused by known inherited gene mutations. These mutations are passed down from generation to generation. Through WGS, patients are able to assess their risk for many types of cancer, including kidney, skin, lung, breast, ovarian, colon, endocrine, prostate cancers and etc. If a known genetic predisposition to cancer is found, a physician or genetic counselor is able to counsel the patient about the best ways to detect early cancers or, better yet, prevent cancers from ever forming. 

Who can benefit from WGS?

Paediatric patients with a possible genetic disorder and symptoms that don’t fit into an established syndrome.
Any patient with a possible genetic disorder in whom a diagnosis has not been made using traditional tests.
Cancer patients: genetic testing for personalised treatment options/ prognosis and testing for hereditary cancer.
Healthy individuals: health risk information, inherited traits, carrier status, ancestry.
Healthy individuals: health risk information, inherited traits, carrier status.

Making It Personal

Use your DNA to discover more about YOU !

Genetics, At Your Service

We’re maximizing what’s possible to your health and wellbeing. It’s time to have a more individualized approach to your health and wellness—one that treats you as a unique person with customized necessities. MyGenome sdn bhd was the first private lab to offer in-house cutting-edge whole genome sequencing (WGS) out of the lab and to successfully use it for the clients we work with in the real world. You may learn a lot about the functioning of your body’s particular genetic makeup thanks to genetics. Your unique test findings can help you find the right exercise and sleep schedules for you, the healthiest diet for you, any food sensitivities you may have, stress-reduction techniques, predict inherited risks of cancers or diseases, and more. With the aid of this special information, you can make decisions that could lead to a higher quality of life, improved health, increased personal happiness, and lower future medical costs.

A quick and simple DNA Test

Our DNA test couldn’t be easier. All we need is a small amount of blood or a saliva sample would do, and we’ll send you back scientifically evidence-based information that, in an understandable manner, shows the complex connection between your genes and your overall health.

  1. Our friendly nurses collect your blood / saliva sample.
  2. The samples are sent to MyGenome’s lab.
  3. Receive results within 4-6 weeks.
  4. Get consultation to comprehend your outcomes.
  5. Begin your path to a healthier future with our assistance.

Why Choose MyGenome?

Take control of yourself with science-based outcomes

What is a Genome?

Your genome is the information needed to build the human body and keep it healthy. It is written in a code called DNA. Your genome is made up of pieces of DNA, called genes.

We can now read this DNA information thanks to advancements in science, which will help us better comprehend changes in the DNA that lead to wellness performance or risk of cancer detection. Such changes may take place early in a baby’s development in the womb or later in life. They may also be inherited and carried down through families.

What is Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) ?

WGS is used to determine the entire DNA sequence of an individual’s genome. The full set of genetic instructions, including all the genes, noncoding sections, and repetitive sequences found in a person’s DNA, are read and analyzed.

Compared to other genetic tests that focus on a subset of genes, WGS analyses all of your genes simultaneously.

We Aim To Help You Maximize Your Potential

The facts are :

  • With the correct information, anyone can maximize their biological potential.
  • A customized health and wellness solution can be beneficial given that we are all unique individuals from one another.
  • Science aids in enhancing people’s health and well-being when paired with cutting-edge technology.

To help you live longer, happier, healthier lives by proactively improving your lifestyle and making progress toward your health goals is our primary mission.

The Pursuit of Personalization

A single test yields a lifetime’s worth of information. With the development of genetic science, you’ll learn more about your body.

Personally benefit from this data to create a tailor-made approach to health and wellness that best suits your needs and preferences.

Get customized nutrition and training plans together with stress and sleep management tactics for faster, more sustainable, long-term outcomes.

Save time, money, and mental energy by automating diet, exercise, stress reaction, and sleep.

Enhance Your Lifestyle And Boost Your Self-Assurance

Here’s what’s included :



Bone Health

Cardiovascular Wellness


Female Fertility


Male Infertility

Mental Wellness



Sleep DNA Wellness

Sports & Exercise

Weight Management


Cancer Screening

Rare Disease



RM 4,800
  • Cardiovascular DNA Wellness
  • Nutrition
  • Wellness & Longevity


RM 6,800
  • Allergy
  • Beauty
  • Beauty & Diet
  • Cardiovascular DNA Wellness
  • Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders
  • Female Fertility (Female only)
  • Longevity
  • Male infertility (Male only)
  • Mental Wellness
  • Nutrition
  • Personality
  • Sleep DNA Wellness
  • Sports & Exercise
  • Weight Management
  • Wellness & Longevity
RM 9,500
  • Allergy
  • Beauty
  • Beauty & Diet
  • Cardiovascular DNA Wellness
  • Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders
  • Female Fertility (Female only)
  • Longevity
  • Male infertility (Male only)
  • Mental Wellness
  • Nutrition
  • Personality
  • Sleep DNA Wellness
  • Sports & Exercise
  • Weight Management
  • Wellness & Longevity
  • Cancer Screening
  • Rare Disease
  • Targeted Dug Therapy / Single Clinical Assessment

Add-ons: ( applicable to Genome Platinum Package only )

RM 300
per module

Digital Report*

RM 200
  • *Optional Hardcopy Report

Digital Report*

RM 200
  • *Optional Hardcopy Report


Pre-symptomatic genetic screening only detects the risk (likelihood or chance) of developing a disease. A genetic marker is NOT a diagnosis of a disease and is NOT a substitute for other clinical laboratory tests that have been designed and certified for the purposes of medical diagnosis. Please remember that medical conditions can be caused by a combination of factors which include infection, environmental influence, lifestyle and genetics. Please consult your physician, genetic counsellor or trained healthcare professionals for advice on the medical interpretations.